Family and Consumer Sciences

Family and Consumer Sciences works to address important issues facing Tennesseans as they cope with social, economic and technological changes. Many of these changes threaten the health, safety and well-being of individuals, families and communities.

Educational programs focus on strengthening individuals, families and communities by addressing critical issues and needs through programs on health and well-being, food and nutrition, finances, and human development.

Walk Across Marshall
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Walk or run a mileage equivalent of the width, length, perimeter or more of Marshall County May 1st – May 31st
Walk Across Tennessee
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Six-week team walking program to log miles walking, jogging, biking, dancing, or other types of physical activity.

Various nutritious foods
Cooking and Nutrition
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Teaching individuals and families how to create healthy meals and snacks
Food Preservation Resources
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Proper methods and techniques for canning, freezing and drying foods.

Take Charge of Your Diabetes
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An interactive six week program designed to provide tools and strategies to self-manage Type 2 Diabetes.
Living Well With Chronic Conditions
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An interactive six week program designed to provide tools and strategies to self-manage any long term health condition.

Family posing in front of their first home
Healthy Homes
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Helping individuals and families prepare for emergencies, make their homes healthy, and lead safer lives.
Box full of money
On My Own
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Youth Financial Education Simulation
Family and Community Education (fce)
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Clubs meet monthly throughout Marshall County

Matter of Balance
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An interactive 8 week program designed to help manage concerns about falls.

Terri Orr
Family and Consumer Sciences/4-H Youth Development
Phone: (931) 359-1929