Healthy Homes

Helping individuals and families save energy, prepare for emergencies, make their homes healthy, and lead safer lives.

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Public health experts recommend frequent handwashing and cleaning and disinfecting surfaces to prevent COVID-19 and other viral respiratory illnesses. As Americans reach for hand sanitizers and disinfectants, many people wonder what works against COVID-19 and what doesn’t. Combat misinformation about coronavirus by learning the facts to counter these myths about cleaning hands and surfaces.

Cleaning and Disinfecting Mythbusters

Of the hundreds of cleaning products on the market today, most contain ingredients you can’t even pronounce. While it is likely that manufacturers have conducted extensive testing on these consumer products, the risks posed by their chemical content are uncertain, and, in many cases, probably low. Nevertheless, human health is always well-served by reducing exposure to chemicals. Decreased chemical use is also a pollution prevention measure. In short, green cleaning is good for you and good for the environment!

Green Cleaner Recipes

Printable Recipe Cards

A healthy home supports the health of those who live there. Big or small, urban or rural, any home can be healthy. Following the eight principles of healthy housing will start you and your family on your way to a healthier home.

Affordable Bed Bug Management?

Planning a trip? The Bed Bug Registry is a free, public database of user-submitted bed bug reports across the US and Canada.

Emergency Preparedness
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Disaster can strike anywhere. Depending on where you live, you may need to prepare to leave your home quickly because of floods, fires, tornadoes, earthquakes or hurricanes. Such man-made disasters as chemical spills and nuclear contamination are also possible. In case you have to leave your home unexpectedly, a little preparation can make a big difference in your ability to recover from the losses you incur.

Grab and Go Bag Checklist

Taking time to organize your important paper and records may be the best investment you can make.

Compiling your Important Information Printable Document

The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to an infectious disease. If you do become ill, stay home while you are sick. In the event that you may not be able to leave your home to obtain food and water or there is a problem finding food, the best way to prepare is to assemble a 14-day food and water emergency kit.

Food and Water in an Emergency


Terri Orr
Family and Consumer Sciences/4-H Youth Development
Phone: (931) 359-1929
Fax: (931) 359-0557