Marshall County Cultural Arts Day is held each summer. This event provides fce members an opportunity to come together and celebrate their artistic side. Here you will find a wide range of arts and crafts created by local residents — anywhere from paintings to handmade quits to ceramics.
2022 Marshall County fce Cultural Arts Event
“A Kaleidoscope of Talent”
Hosted by the Lewisburg Club
Thursday, July 17th at Church St Church Annex, Lewisburg
Registration and Item Check-In begins at 10:00 a.m.
Program and potluck luncheon begins at 11:30 p.m. with awards to follow
Visitors are welcome! The event is free to attend, but if any non-fce member would like to enter the Cultural Arts Contest of Fashion Review, the one time entry fee is $10. Or you may join fce that day for $10 instead.